

The right nutrition

Fit with the right nutrition. Children and adolescents who exercise intensively have a double burden. You are still in the growth and age of development.

The highest amounts of energy are needed for adolescent girls at the age of 11-14 years, boys, however, a little later with about 15-18 years.

The energy and nutrient requirement is much higher for the child in relation to his height than in the adult.


Already at the age of 5-7 years children with about 1.800 kcal need as much nutritional energy as an adult woman, with light physical work.

In growth phases starting between the ages of 14 and 15 children may need up to 3.500 kcal per day. If intense sports are done, the energy requirement can rise to 4.000-4.500 kcal per day.

That's twice as much as an adult needs.


For certain nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, B vitamins and vitamin D, the demand increases disproportionately to the energy requirement.

In comparison to adult athletes, adolescents have a higher water requirement relative to body weight. For a consistently optimal performance, both physical and cognitive / mental, it is important to drink before the thirst comes.


High sweat losses should be replaced as soon as possible. It is therefore very important to drink water or unsweetened juices or teas regularly for several hours after exercise.

This rehydrates more effectively than drinking a lot in a short time.

Active young people who have little interest in needs-based eating and drinking behavior can be motivated to improve their eating habits with the aim of improved performance.

Since correct training and optimal nutrition are the two most important determining factors for a successful sporting career, the exact balance of the amount of energy is an important prerequisite for staying healthy and performing in sport. However, the sport-related increase in energy consumption is often overestimated both by parents and young people themselves.


  • Increase the carbohydrate content: eat more fruit, vegetables, potatoes and cereal products.
  • Check the fat content: go for fats from vegetable sources and meat, reduce sausage and sandwich meat, as well as milk products
  • Increase your fiber and fluid intake

Both parents and coaches have to be involved in nutrition planning. It is important to "lead with" a recommended eating and drinking behavior in the family but also in the team.


The abundant food offer does not make it very easy for many parents to choose food products for their kids. Children are still growing and need a certain minimum amount of energy and nutrients.

The Research Institute for Child Nutrition in Dortmund recommends that you have plenty of access to plant-based foods and beverages, include moderate amounts of animal-based foods in your menu, and use foods that are high in fat and sugar sparingly. A warm meal a day, in which fresh potatoes, brown rice or whole wheat pasta and vegetables (cooked, as raw food or salad) predominate, should be the minimum. Combine the meal with a little meat two to three times a week, once a week with fish. Vegetarian meals made from legumes or cereals, such as stews, casseroles or patties, are also welcome.


Offer children a drink with every meal: energy-free or low-energy drinks such as tap water, sparkling water, unsweetened herbal or fruit teas or highly diluted juices.

The other two main meals can be cold and often consist of bread or muesli combined with low-fat milk and milk products, sausage, fruit or raw food. Two snacks such as bread, a milk product or fruit round off the daily menu. A plate of bite-sized fruit is very inviting to eat it.

Occasionally pastries, cake or sweets as a snack are also okay. Because: forbidden things attract children (and adults) all the more. They sneak them secretly and completely excessively. Sweets eaten in moderation have their place in a balanced diet.

TPI Junior Coach Level 3

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) became the number 1 in the fields of golf fitness and Junior Golf over the last few years and we are very happy about our certificate for the TPI Junior Level 2 & 3.

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In collaboration with US Kids Golf the Junior Golf Shop, with Martin Rentenberger, will bring out the best in your golf swing, thanks to years of experience.

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Martin Rentenberger was chosen for the U.S. Kids Golf TOP 50 Master Teachers 2019 in January 2020 in Orlando, as the first European.