

Junior training of the next dimension

Ten does not necessarily equal ten.
Children and adolescents of the same age may experience a difference in physical development of up to five years. Based on this insight, one of the focuses of the new Junior Golf Training model is based on 6 locations. The new model, in which, according to the slogan "have fun, play golf", fun and games are not neglected, is guided by Martin Rentenberger.

“have fun, play golf!”
Fun is the most important element why kids and teens do a sport. That is why our goal, in addition to the sporting motivation, is to promote especially the joy of the game. Other important factors are of course social aspects such as friends, team spirit and belonging.

Golf is a 20 year sport. For most sports or most things in life you need 10 years or 10,000 hours to become an expert or professional. Golf is different. Most professional players who have won on the PGA Tour took an average of almost 20 years from their first swing to their first win. Tiger Woods broke the 20-year rule for 3 years and was able to present his first title after just 17 years!

Our Long-Term Athletic Development Program systematically accompanies every child and adolescent through the different stages of development. In this new concept, children and adolescents are divided and trained according to their biological age or their growth curve. As a result, the various training focuses such as golf technique, speed, coordination, strength, mobilization and 3D can be better addressed at different times of development.

Graduation system as a motivational factor
Another important component of the new model is the introduction of a grading system, as is common in Jiu Jitsu or Judo. Depending on their playing ability and physical training, the children and adolescents receive a differently colored cap or a rubber band instead of a belt, which should represent the current playing strength or the fitness level. The Dan system, which has proven itself in many sports, should serve as a motivation factor for the young golfer. Further information can be found in our presentation.





TPI Junior Coach Level 3

The Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) became the number 1 in the fields of golf fitness and Junior Golf over the last few years and we are very happy about our certificate for the TPI Junior Level 2 & 3.

US Kids Golf Performance Center certified

In collaboration with US Kids Golf the Junior Golf Shop, with Martin Rentenberger, will bring out the best in your golf swing, thanks to years of experience.

US Kids Golf Top 50 Master Junior Teacher

Martin Rentenberger was chosen for the U.S. Kids Golf TOP 50 Master Teachers 2019 in January 2020 in Orlando, as the first European.